Sacrifice for the nation

In light of what has been going in Haiti in recent months. Many prominent offered proposals as to how to get out of the predicament the country found itself in.  NouPapKonplis is asking Haitians to Sacrifice for the nation.

Many of these proposals were aimed at helping the current government, others were for personal gains. We have read all of these suggestions. Some we agreed with in parts and others our opinions varied greatly.

NouPapKonplis which is a petrochallenger organization, offered a proposition which they tag “Sakrifis pou Nasyon an” which translates into “Sacrifice for the nation”

True, the folks who created the document may not be as noticeable as the ones who crafted the previous proposals. This proposal is the first one that offers real solutions to the crisis. These propositions offer the current government a nonviolent and an operative way of dealing with the matter.

The proposal is written in Haitian Creole. What follows is our rendition of NouPapKonplis plan.

Sacrifice for the Nation

The context of the situation
For over 2015 years, Haiti has been dealing with a systemic crisis where we fight for power instead of fighting for the collective interest of the nation.

The year 2018 would be a tremendous turnout in the struggle of the Haitian people after the publication of two reports produced by the parliament concerning the petrocaribe’s funds. We noticed several stand up all over the country asking for #Kotkobpetrocaribea?

In 2019, the value of our currency which is the gourdes has dropped to a level that none of us has witnessed before. The government had no clue of what was going on. It had no answer for the much civil unrest all over the country.

Earlier this year, the court of audit produced part 1 of a 2 parts audit report on the petrocaribe fund. This report provoked many reactions because the current president’s name occurred 2 times for the misuse of the petro funds. This caused many to have doubts that the current government could help shed lights on the ill use of the funds.

Facing all these mysteries, the Haitian people found themselves in an unusual situation where all institutions are wrecked.

After all these allegations and demands along with the government’s inability to resolve these issues. Because there is no sustainable solution to help improve the condition of the lives of the Haitian people and for the political morality, we demand a planned resignation of Moise/Ceant’s government to facilitate a transition involving a Governing Council.

The Governing Council will have the mission of solving the problem of hunger quickly, organizing the general election, Starting the Petwokaribe trial, help to facilitate the general condition that will allow the sons and daughters of Haiti to talk with no foreign interruptions.

Therefore one of the first goals of #NouPapKonplis is to raise awareness. In addition, we proposed (Sacrifice to the Nation) as another proposal to help emerge from the crisis.

In this document, we have come up with 31 ideas on the form of questions and answers to help to put an end to the calamities we have been enduring. These difficult times require intelligence and sacrifices to save what is worth saving. Haiti, our mothers, the mother of liberty must be saved.

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